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Privacy and Security

We respect the privacy of our customers,those who answer our surveys, and those who fill out our questionnaires. It is our policy:

1. Third party use. To not sell, rent, or loan our subscriber or customer lists to third parties for e-mail marketing. While we sell advertising in our e-mail publications to other companies, we never allow third parties any other use of these subscriber lists.

2. Cookies. To use cookies in a responsible manner to help our visitors, not snoop on them. We use cookies (1) to help rotate banner advertising, (2) to identify shoppers with their shopping carts, (3) to make it easy to order a second time, (4) to allow subscribers to store passwords in cookies if they desire, and (5) to give proper credit for sales made through links on our affiliates' sites. We do NOT collect or use information from cookies to develop a profile about our visitors or shoppers.

3. Security. To store subscriber and password files with personal information in a secure manner. We store such files in areas not accessible to Web browsers, behind password protection, or off-line.

4. Termination. To continue this policy beyond the termination of our company. If a majority portion of the assets of our company were to be acquired by another organization, that might include our subscriber and other lists, but only as part of a clear agreement binding that organization to abide by the spirit and letter of our privacy policy.

If you have any concerns or questions about our privacy policy or information collected on our sites, please contact our Customer Service Team at


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